Stun Your Classmates with Beeswax Wraps for Back-to-school Day!

Preparing for back to school is a bit like New Year’s Day. We are full of aggressive planning and always want to prep a non-plastic lunch box, school uniforms, and so many other things. We can do our best to make plastic free school lunch prep easier. We hope our beeswax packaging will make your classmates envious of you.

Stun Your Classmates with Beeswax Wraps for Back-to-school Day!

Protect your fruit with beeswax bags

If you rely on your little ones to keep their food safely stored in their bags, think again! We have crushed rotten strawberries and black bananas all over our house and it’s a big hit to our appetite.

If you have extra beeswax wraps, you can use them to wrap soft fruits like apples and plums. This will help reduce food waste. Beeswax bags also prevent the smell of the fruit from penetrating other foods, which is great!

Beeswax wraps for snacks

One of the hardest plastic-free projects for us was giving up a bag of chips. I can’t give up my chips, but in a paper bag it might it lose its crunchy texture. We’ve come up with some simple ideas you can offer, all plastic free!

The first one is popcorn! Super cheap, available at most stores, we make a big batch the night before or morning of school, sprinkle with salt or sugar, and voila!

So many snacks can be stored in beeswax packaging. You can really quickly turn your medium package into a pouch for storing snacks and keeping them fresh and sealed in your book bag.

Wrap sandwiches in beeswax

We know it seems a little obvious, but wrapping sandwiches in beeswax has many benefits. You no longer have to put up with a squashed and sweaty sandwich! It won’t get floppy and it will still be fresh and delicious.

You can prepare the sandwich for several days to store in the refrigerator. We’ve even had some people suggest making the sandwich first, then wrapping it in beeswax and putting it in the freezer. This is a fantastic idea, and remember to take them out long enough to enjoy at lunch.

Stun Your Classmates with Beeswax Wraps for Back-to-school Day!

Versatile and reusable

Besides being our lunch bag, it can be turned into our shopping bag, our PE kit, our lid closure …… It’s uses are endless! We made the perfect Beeswax Wrap bag for fixing school lunches. Different sizes of wrappers for different sized foods.

Please follow us here to get the price and find more beautiful and useful wraps, we also have reusable bags and straws for sale.

This is Stun Your Classmates with Beeswax Wraps for Back-to-school Day!, if you are looking for quality and reliable food packaging manufacturer, food packaging wholesaler, please Contact us and you will get exclusive customized service.

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Zhengzhou | Green Wrap
We are Beeswax Wrap, Vegan food Wrap, Shopping bag professional manufacturers. If you want to know more product information or are willing to buy wholesale products. Please Contact us.